* Creative Art: HEART PRINTS - White paper and heart shaped cookie cutters will placed at this table today. The children can dip the cookie cutters into red and pink paint and make heart patterns. They can try and think of a new friend to give it to or someone that is an old friend or in the family.
* Dramatic Play: PUPPET SHOW - A puppet show will be set up in the dramatic play area with various types of puppets. The children can share puppets and act out friendships using the puppets in various situations.
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during self-selected activities, unless we are making our snack. Then we will eat it during Large Group.)
* Snack: GRAHAM CRACKERS AND MILK - Today we will be having graham crackers and milk. The students will gain self-help skills as they pour their own milk, get their own napkin, and get their own cracker.
Large Group (AM 9:50-10:15..PM 1:20-1:45)
* Large Group: We will start by singing songs from the song can. We will also learn a few new friendship songs this week - check them out on the "Song Page". Share n' Teach is today, giving the children a chance to speak in front of others and also give them a sense of being apart of a group. We'll then read the story "My Friend Rabbit." Discussions will take place about how to be a good friend. We will then learn our letter of the week - Nn. We'll all get to practice writing it and learn it through songs and sign language. Large group will end by singin our new songs again.
* Transition: SONG - We'll sing "Do you Know This Friend of Mine" to get ready to go outside.
Do you know this friend of mine, this friend of mine, this friend of mine. Do you know this friend of mine? His name is _________.
Outside Play (AM 10:15-10:25...PM 1:45-1:55)
Small Group (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
*Small Group: We'll start small group by reading the story, "The Grouchy Ladybug", who likes a grouchy friend? I'll have the students share a story about a time they shared or someone shared with them. How did it make you feel? Next we are going to listen to the children's voices that I taped throughout the day. How do they sound - nice, angry, polite? How do they want to sound from now on? Then we'll try and guess which classmate is talking throughout the tape.
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