1. Get name tags to each child. Children can work on puzzles or look at books until everyone arrives and settles in. After everyone has arrived, Miss Chelsea will have pictures of each child (taken on Back-To-School Night) and the class will help me match the pictures to each child.
2. Song Can
3. Ask the children if they've been to school befoe and encourage them to tell stories about their experiences.
4. We'll talk about activities we will do at school every day.
5. Miss Chelsea will the flannel board story, "My First Day of School". Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15..PM 1:00-1:45)
*Cut and Color Table: Crayon Drawings - Crayons and drawing paper will be availabel for the children to draw freely.
*Messy Table: Sand - Children will be able to use their senses as they discover through sand.
*Creative Art: Playdough
*Dramatic Play: Puppets - The children will be encouraged to use puppets to show and/or tell about their school experiences.
*Blocks - Block Building - Wooden blocks will be available for the children to explore and manipulate with! Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
*Snack - Colored goldfish and juice.
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
*We'll talk about our names and what letter starts with each of our names. We will get to do a tactile activity with our names together and get to know the feel of each of our names!
*Music and Movement - "Circle Dance" from Getting to know Myself by Hap Palmer
*To finish whole group, we'll talk about some of the things we did and learned. The students will draw a picture of their first day of school.
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