Morning Circle (AM 9:00-9:30..PM 12:30-1:00)
1. Song Can
2. Calendar
3. We'll learn about the letter Bb through song, movement, actions, and writing. We'll talk about words that begin with the letter Bb and more!!
4. We'll discuss the things we have learned about ourselves throughout the week and the ways we are all alike and all different. We'll talk about our birthdays and when they are. We'll make a birthday graph to see which month has the most birthdays in it from our class.
5. Story
Learning Centers (AM 9:30-10:15..PM 1:00-1:45)
* Creative Art: SELF PORTAITS - The children will be encouraged to paint self portaits of themselves. Mirrors and paint will be provided and the teacher will guide them on how to look in the mirror and paint the parts of their face that they see. What a great way to discover what differences and similarities they have with eachother. Also they'll be able to discover special facial qualties with themselves.
*Messy Table: WHEAT - We'll keep wheat in the table today since it's always such a fun and interesting sensory experience!
*Cut and Color Table: "ME" HATS - Hats folded out of construction paper will be provided and the children will be able to color, sticker, and glue special things to them to make their "Me" hats just for them!
* Dramatic Play: BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION - The children will be able to roll play celebrating theirs and others birthdays. Cooking and eating birthday cakes and icecreams, wrapping birthday presents, party hats, etc. What a fun time to roll play!
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)
* BANANAS AND GRAPES: We'll be enjoying bananas and grapes and water for snack today. We'll talk about our favorite fruits and why we like them or don't like them.
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
* Story
* We'll talk about our different friends, in and out of preschool. Our families also, and how we are alike or different from them and each other. We'll also talk about our birthdays again and try and see if we can remember the date it is (if they don't already know). How old will we each be, what kinds of things do we do on our birthdays, etc.
* Music and Movement: "Special Day" by Thomas Moore
* We'll learn more about the letter Bb again today and discuss different words and things that start with that letter!
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