Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Transportation Time

In the block area for our transportation theme today we had these mini plastic vehicles and the transportation mat. I LOVE these little vehicles! They are so durable and the kids love to explore with them. You can get them from any of the major child development companies like Lake Shore, Discount School Supplies, etc.
At the time I took this picture the mat was a little kiddie wompus (is that a word?)....but the kids absolutley loved the mat today and driving, flying, boating, their way from the hospital to the police station to the school, etc. What a great way to explore transportion!!


  1. Thanks so much for the mention of Discount School Supply in your post! We've got such great stuff for little learners-- it's so cool to see it in action! Looks like you guys have a ton of fun. Thanks again!
    -Laurel from Discount School Supply

  2. I love those mats - they do invite just great play!

  3. My kids would love those little transportation plastic vehicles!
