Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Welcome to Career Week

This week we are learning about "Careers" and possible things we could "be" when we grow up. I love having the parents come in and share with us what they do. Not to mention the kids are SO EXCITED that their very own mom or dad is coming to preschool to tell us ALL about their job. It's a very exciting time.
I also like to have a Police Officer as a guest speaker and we'll be taking a field trip to the Fire Station on Friday. Lots of things going on.
For our Dramatic Play and Messy Table area (I combined them today) we turned the room into a Career center where the kids could dress up and act out in various job role plays. From being a Doctor, nurse, or veterinarian, to construction workers, computer engineers, secretaries - we had an array of jobs to fulfill.
The doctor was the most popular today, but kids always love working on and checking others as they have been checked at a doctors office.....it's something they can relate to and they know what to do with it.
Today we had a Highschool teacher as our parent visitor, and we'll have lots more stuff to share throughout the week. Stay tuned!
We are also working on a class book of "What I want to Be When I Grow Up".....kids minds change so often, this might be a pretty thick book. But I like to make copies for the kids and let them keep it so they can look back at it and see the things they were once interested in and their classmates also.

1 comment:

  1. I love all the dramatic play! That sick one on the floor looks like he is in fine professional medical hands:)
