Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Transportation - Day 1

Self-Selected Activities (AM 9:00-9:45....PM 12:30-1:15)
*Cut and Color Table: VEHICLE COLLAGE - Students will look through magazines to find different vehicles (guided by the teacher) and make a collage out of them. Discussion such as, the kind of vehicle they have, transportation they have been on before, what kind of vehicle or transportation would they like to go on, what vehicles paste the pictures onto their paper. Vocal development and vocabulary will be enhanced also social development as they work together.
* Messy Table: CARS, TRUCKS, TRAINS, WITH WET SAND - Different types of vehicles will be placed in the Messy table along with wet sand. This will be fun for the students to manipulate and roll play in!! Imaginations and social interaction will kick into gear with this fun and messy activity.
* Creative Art: PAINT A VEHICLE - Different vehicles will be cut out of large construction paper. The students can choose which ones they would like to paint. This helps their small motor skills and creativity as they create their vehicle. Sometimes just the joy of painting is enough for them!!
* Dramatic Play: BUS STATION - The dramatic play area will be set up as a bus station with chairs, a large steering wheel, stop sign, whistles, tickets, ticket booth, etc. This will be a fun chance to roll play and socialize while playing like they are riding a bus!
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during self-selected activities, unless we are making our snack. Then it will be done during Large Group.)
* Snack: GOLDFISH AND WATER - We will eat goldfish and water for snack today. Self help skills will be developed as the children pour their own water, get their goldfish, cups and napkins. The children will converse with each other developing their socials skills and taking turns.
Large Group (AM 9:50-10:15 PM 1:20-1:45)
* Large Group: Large group will start by singing songs from the song can. We will learn a few new transportation songs throughout the week and we will incorporate them into our song can. The children will enhance their speaking skills by sharing their “share n’ teach” object and also enhance taking turns. We will read a transportation book which will develop listening skills and help the kids relax after a busy day. We will learn the letter Ll through song and sign language and learn how it is written. The children will then practice their letter Ll’s on their own piece of paper. We will talk about things that start with ‘L’ and each child will get two pieces of licorice to make their own Ll’s out of word that starts with ‘Ll’.
* Transition: For transition, we will brainstorm what transportation is and the different kinds of transportation. The teacher will guide the beginning and the children should have fun trying to figure out all sorts of different ways to get around this world. Not only with our bodies but also from horses, to bikes, and a Hot air balloons to trains, the list could go on and on.
Outside Play (AM 10:15-10:25 PM 1:45-1:55)
Small Group (AM 10:30-11:00 PM 2:00-2:30)
* Small Group: The teacher will read a transportation book helping to develop listening skills and also predictability by asking questions and getting them involved. Each child will then get a turn putting their hand in a “Feely Box” with all sorts of different toy forms of transportation. The student has to feel it only and guess what it is. If they guess it write, they get to hold the object. We will then play a game of “Red Light, Green Light”…One player is the light and turns his back to the rest of the class. The “light” says “green light”, or “red light” which determines if the class runs or freezes. The first person to touch the “light” is the next “light”.

1 comment:

  1. Your lesson plans and ideas are really wonderful! Very age appropriate and fun. Thanks for sharing your creativity.
