Self Selected Activities (AM 9:00-9:45..PM 12:30-1:15)
* Cut and Color Table: CREATE-A-VEHICLE - The students will be able to use a variety of objects and “beautiful junk” to create their own vehicles. They will develop their creativity, small motor skills and social development as they interact and get ideas from friends and the teacher.
* Messy Table: CARS, TRUCKS, TRAINS WITH WET SAND - Different types of vehicles will be placed in the Messy table along with wet sand. This will be fun for the students to manipulate and roll play in!! Imaginations and social interaction will kick into gear with this fun and messy activity.
* Creative Art: CAR WHEEL PAINTING - Cars with turny wheels and paint will be set out at the art table today. The children will be able to dip their car wheels into the paint and roll them on their pieces of paper. This activity will develop new experiences, small motor skills and let them discover the different patterns and tracks various objects can make.
* Dramatic Play: BUS STATION - The dramatic play area will be set up as a bus station with chairs, a large steering wheel, stop sign, whistles, tickets, ticket booth, etc. This will be a fun chance to roll play and socialize while playing like they are riding a bus!
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during self-selected activities, unless we are making our snack. Then we will eat it during Large Group.)
* Snack: We will make “cracker wheels” and have juice today for snack. We will be making this during large group and then eating it. This activity will give the children experiences of cooking and measuring, and a sense of accomplishment as they create their own snack. See "The Recipe page" to know how to make Cracker Wheels.
Large Group (AM 9:50-10:15....PM 1:20-1:45)
* Large Group: Celebrate Cambree's Birthday today! Large group will start by singing songs from the song can and also sing the transportation songs we learned on Tuesday. The children will then develop their listening skills as they listen to a transportation book and help Miss Chelsea predict, repeat, and ask questions. We will then make our "Cracker Wheels" discussing all different types of transportation and our favorite types of transportation, but especially transportation with wheels. We'll end large group by practicing the letter Ll discussing things that start with 'L' and "Lacing" shoes. Young children usually enjoy learning things they watch grownups do - so learning how to 'L'ace and tie their shoes is something they look forward to.
* Transition: GAME - Slow-Stop-Go - We will have a red Stop sign, a green Go sign and a Yellow slow sign. As we listen to music, the children will have to watch for the movement signals. When they see the GREEN sign, dance quickly; Yellow sign, dance slowly; Red sign, stop!
Outside Play (AM 10:15-10:25...PM 1:45-1:55)
* Small Group: The teacher will start with a transportation book helping to develop listening skills and also predictability by asking questions and getting them involved. As a group we will discuss Transportation Safety and all of the different safety rules we can think of that have to do with transportation. The kids usually enjoy discussions like this because we don't have to stay thinking inside the box - it can be any type of transportation and any type of safety rule, it gets fun! If there is time left over we will practice our "Ll's" on the white board (they love the whiteboard!)
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