Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gotta Be Me - Day 1


MORNING CIRCLE (AM 9:00-9:30..PM 12:30-1:00)

1. Song Can

2. Calendar

3. We'll talk as a class about ways we are each alike and different. Being different makes us each special. We'll look at ourselves in mirrors and discuss eye and hair color, kinds of noses, mouths, etc. We'll read the book "I'm Terrific" discussing how we are each unique, special, and TERRIFIC! We'll sing the song "I Am Special" by Thomas Moore.

LEARNING CENTERS (AM 9:30-10:15..PM 1:00-1:45)

*Creative Art: BODY TRACERS - The children will be able to choose to lie down on a large sheet of paper as the teacher traces his/her body. The children will be able to decorate their own bodies, drawing in their faces, coloring their clothes, etc.

*Messy Table: COLORED RICE - Rice is so fun to manipulate and explore with!! Children really enjoy the way it feels, what a great sensory experience!

*Cut and Color Table: "ME" PUPPETS - The children will use paper bags and pictures taken previously by the teacher to make their very own "ME" puppets. If pictures aren't available, we can also use googly eyes, and different collage materials to make puppets of themselves and family!! It's so fun to pretend with puppets of YOURSELF!!

*Dramatic Play: HOME - The children can interact and act out home duties and house play. Children really enjoy acting out things they see at home and things they know. Home is probably the best place children know - Mommy, Daddy, brother, sister, baby, kitchen, eating, cleaning, etc.

Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)

*Snack: Graham Crackers and Milk - Children will enjoy dipping their graham crackers in milk and learn social skills and self help skills as they poor their own milk, get their own crackers and napkins.

Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)

Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)


*Give each child a mirror and discuss how each person looks. Help them discover little details about themselves - freckles, dimples, bushy or thin eyebrows, long or short eyelashes, etc.

*The teacher will have large letters made out of each child's name. Give each child a letter for one student's name. Do a cheer! Example - (Tyler)...Give me a "T" (The person holding the T, holds it up), Give me a "Y" (person holding the Y, holds it up), etc. Do this with each child's name. This will not only get the children use to what their own name looks like, but will also help them start recognizing what different letters look like!

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