*Creative Art: Finger Painting - make your own fingerpaints by checking out Miss Chelsea's recipe on the recipe page link list!!
*Messy Table: Scooping beans
*Cut and Color Table: Friendship Bracelets - beading bracelets or necklaces.
*Dramatic Play: Puppets - Encourage the children to us puppets to show and/or tell about their school experiences and school rules and just role play.
*Blocks - Block Building with cars - cars will be added and children will be encouraged to make highways and bridges for them.
Snack (small groups come at different times to eat during Self-Selected Activities. Unless we are making our snack, then we will eat it during small group.)*Snack: Muffins and water.....We'll be making muffins today during Closing Circle today. Check out the recipe on the recipe page links.
Outside Play (AM 10:20-10:30..PM 1:50-2:00)
Closing Circle (AM 10:30-11:00..PM 2:00-2:30)
*Make our yummy class muffins, while they are baking, we'll finish the rest of closing circle and end our day by enjoying our delicious muffins.
*Music and Movement - We'll dance to the song The More We Get Together as a class and then with partners.
* If there is time, we will have a whole bunch of letter tiles layed out in front of us. Each child will get to find the first letter of his/her name. The teacher will help them if they need it. The teacher will also encourage the kids to find more letters in their names!!
Appreciate you blogging thiis