Wednesday, July 2, 2008


MMM-AAH went the little green frog one day
(Put hands up by face, close in a fist on MMM, and open them wide on AAH. At the same time squeeze eyes shut on MMM, then open them wide while sticking out your tongue on AAH - do this action every time you say MMM-AAH)

MMM-AAH went the little green frog.

MMM-AAH went the little green frong one day
And they all went MMM-MMM-AAH!
But we all know frogs go,
"Loddy, doddy dah, Loddy, doddy dah, Loddy doddy dah"
(Shake hands out to the side of your face on Loddy, doddy dah - do this for every loddy, doddy dah you say.)
We all know frogs go,
"Loddy, doddy dah,"
they don't go MMM-MMM-AAH!