Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Homemade Icecream (in a bag)

*1 tablespoon sugar
*1/2 cup milk or half & half
*1/4 teaspoon vanilla
*6 tablespoons rock salt
*1 pint-size Ziploc plastic bag
*1 gallon-size Ziploc plastic bag
*Ice cubes
How to make it: Fill the large bag half full of ice, and add the rock salt. Seal the bag. Put milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag, and seal it. Place the small bag inside the large one and seal again carefully. Shake until mixture is ice cream, about 5 minutes. Wipe off top of small bag, then open carefully and enjoy! Tips: To make a larger amount, try doubling the recipe. Anything larger might be too big for kids to pick-up, because the ice itself is quite heavy.


Nicola Cox said...

Greaat blog you have here

Holly Abbott said...

I love how easy this homemade ice cream method sounds.