These are some of the books I've used for my unit "It's Chow Time"
I love that this book makes it so easy to help the children understand the different food groups!!
"Eating the Alphabet" introduces different foods that start with the letters of the alphabet. It's fun to see the foods that we are all familiar with, but then others that the children might never have heard of!!
This book is always a favorite!! The monkey absolutley LOVES spaghetti and she doesn't want to do anything else. When her friend finally tries the spaghetti he can't stop eating it either.
As I have said before I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Robert Munsch. He is definatley one of my favorite authors!! "More Pies" is a book about a boy who thinks he is absolutley STARVING. When he goes to the fair and wins the pie eating contest he ends up getting sick!! The kids just laugh and laugh!!
A great Caldecott Honor book. It's fun to talk about all the fruits we like to pick and I love to hear about the kids who have helped their mommies can fruits into jams, etc!!
A CLASSIC and a favorite! Enough said!

We read this book many times throughout the year. With this unit we talk about how the caterpillar got sick eating all of the junk food and how the leaf made him feel much better!! Another classic and children's favorite!
I have a few different versions of the Little Red Hen. It's a great book to tie into our Grain day!! The children love hearing all of the different versions and trying to figure out how they are different and the same! Great literacy development!!
Like I said before - ROBERT MUNSCH!! I just love him!!

This is another of my favorite for this unit!! Gregory is one of the only goats who likes to eat "regular" food instead of junk like tires, cans, paper sacks, etc. The kids just love all of the funny foods goats eat and we talk about healthy/unhealthy choices of food we can eat!!